Child Care Subsidy (CCS)

The Australian Government provides Australian families with a number of subsidies and programs to help with the cost of child care, with the Child Care Subsidy being the main type of assistance that most families will use.

You can apply for the Child Care Subsidy online or in person through Centrelink. To apply online visit the MyGov account or click here.

If you are already registered for Child Care Subsidy

Please provide your Centrelink Customer Reference Number (CRN) on your enrollment or provide it to our administration office. Centrelink issues a different CRN for each child and parent, one adult and each child have their own CRN, please ensure you provide a separate number for each child that is attending the centre.

The Child Care Subsidy will be paid directly to Kool Kidzz to be passed on to families as a fee reduction. Families will make a co-contribution to their child care fees and pay to the provider the difference between the fee charged and the subsidy amount.